Thursday, July 31, 2008
Simple prompts - dream house
What woul your dream house be like?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Check out today's news stories and take one of the headlines as a prompt for writing or journalling.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Simple prompts
What did you dream about last night?
Write about a dream you would like to have.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Time - relive a moment #2
If you could relive ONE HOUR of your life - AND if you could change it - what hour would it be?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about something you regret.
Use hidden journalling
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Time - Relive your life
If you could relive ONE HOUR of your life - but without changing anything - what hour would it be?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about a special time in your life.
Often such times don't have photographs, so use journalling as your centrepiece rather than a photograph.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Time - the past is another country
If you had a TARDIS and could travel anywhere in the past - to any era - when would it be and why?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a heritage layout.
Use the word "time" somewhere on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Friday, July 25, 2008
Time - making a date
Today you are going to make a date with yourself. Set aside an hour tomorrow or the nest day when you are going to write and/or be creative. If you have to, arrange to get up an hour earlier!
When you've made a date, write it at the top of your page in your jorunal or new Word document and then write down all the reasons why you should make time for your creative self.
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Tidy up your space in preparation for a big scrapping session tomorrow...
If you're already tidy - create a small project, e.g., 6x6 LO or maze book, about your scrapping spacxe.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Time - timewasters
Answer the question (and think carefully about it):
What are your biggest timewasters?
~~~Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout about the ways you LIKE to waste time.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Time #2
Yesterday you did some freewriting.
Today, take the writing and look at it. Is there any word or phrase that jumps out at you or that you think you could contiinue to write from? Use that as a starting point for a more leisurely ten minutes' writing, developing that theme.
Alternatively if you have no freewriting to look at, start with
If I only had time ...
What would you do?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with the title "Just in time".
Use a clock or watch face somewhere on the page.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Time #1
Today - give yourself a time limit and freewrite.
Freewriting is a great way to "loosen the writing muscles" especially when you're sitting down to start a writing session, or trying to get over a writing block.
Give yourself a time, say ten minutes, and just keep writing. The rules are:
- Don't stop moving the pen (or typing)
- Start with a word or phrase (one from any previous day on this blog would do!)
- Keep writing even if it's just repetition or rubbish
- Don't worry about punctuation or spelling, untidiness or typos!
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Find some photographs that reflect to you some aspect of the word "time"
Jot down a few details about the photos in preparation for layouts.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Monday, July 21, 2008
Quotations - friends #7
Today - create your own friendship quote. What does friendship mean to you?
Use it to prompt further writing, blogging, or journalling
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Quotations -- friends #6
"To attract good fortune, spend a new coin on an old friend, share an old pleasure with a new friend, and lift up the heart of a true friend by writing his name on the wings of a dragon." - Chinese Proverb
Use it to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Quotations - friends #5
"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."
Use it to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Friday, July 18, 2008
Quotations - friends #4
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa
Use it to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Quotations - friends #3
Use them to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling
"Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other gold"
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Quotations - friends #2
This week's journalling prompts are based on some inspiring quotes.
"I get by with a little help from my friends."- John Lennon
Use it to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling.
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Quotations - friends #1
Use them to prompt your writing, blogging, or journalling
"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."- Anais Nin
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with today's quotation on it.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Seven Ages - Ageing
Use them as daily writing prompts, blog prompts or to help you with your journalling
Today's topic: ageing
What's the worst thing about growing older?
What's the BEST thing about growing older
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout about the passing of the years. Use a birthday photo. How do you feel as you approach another birthday?
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Seven Ages - Parenthood
Use them as daily writing prompts, blog prompts or as inspiration for your scrapbook journaling
Today's topic: Parenthood
Is parenthood necessary for everyone or can you have a fuilfilled life without children?
This can be a controversial and emotive topic - but you don't have to let anyone else see it!
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about parenthood and how you feel about it. Your journalling should be hidden.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Seven Ages - Young adult
Today's topic: Young adult
When did you first start to feel "grown-up"?
Was it a particular incident or rite of passge that prompted it, or a gradual realisation?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about a significant occasion or rite of passage in a young adult's life, such as 21st birthday, graduation, leaving home, engagement.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Seven Ages - Adolescence/teens
Today's topic: Adolescence/teens
What advice would you give someone just turning 13 on how to get through this turbulent part of their life?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about a teenager (your child, yourself, a relative, a friend). In what way are they a typical teenager and in what way are they not?
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Seven Ages - Schooldays
Today's topic: schooldays
Were schooldays the best days of your life?
How? If not, why not?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about a schoolchild - use a school photo. Include journalling about the joys or not of schooldays.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Seven Ages - Childhood
Use them as journal prompts, blog prompts or to help you with your writing
Today's topic: childhood
What is your earliest memory?
Write about a place you remember from childhood.
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about yourself as a child. Include journalling about the place where the picture was taken.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Seven Ages - Birth
Today's topic: birth
Where were you born?
Does your place of birth impact on your life?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about where you were born. Include a photo either taken by you or found on the Internet.
Journal about whether you feel you "belong" to this place?
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Monday, July 7, 2008
Play - cards and boardgames
What was the last game you played?
Do you like to win or do you play just for the fun of it?
Create a layout with playing cards on - either real ones or scanned.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Play - an instrument
If so, try to describe what it felt / feels like.
If not – what instrument would you play if you could learn now – painlessly – and why?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
If you were a musical instrument which would you be?
Create a LO inspired by playing an instrument (the singing voice could count as an instrument).
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Play - music
Do you play music?
What kind of music do you like to play when you are writing – or do you prefer silence?What kind of music makes you feel playful?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
What music did you listen to most recently? Did you like it? Why? Or why not?
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Friday, July 4, 2008
Play - insight?
e.g., Have you learned to use a camera or software by playing?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Play - playthings
If you have a child – watch their play. What do they say? How do they play? What’s their favourite plaything of the moment?
If you haven’t a child to watch, think about yourself as a child – what did you enjoy playing with? What was your favourite plaything?
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Find a picture with a plaything on (or take one!) and create a LO with an account of why that plaything was liked and how it was used. If you haven't one of yourself with a plaything, find a picture on the Internet of one you remember.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Play - how do you play?
“Play is the beginning of knowledge.”
I play by....
I like to play...
My play is ...
~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Is scrapping play for you? Take a pic of your stash or yourself or friends scrapping.,
What's fun about it? How do you play?
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What does play mean to you? Is it something you still do?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a layout with the subject "Play with abandon"
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~