Sunday, August 31, 2008

Computers – the future

This week's writing topic and journal prompts are about computers.

What kind of computer would you like to have in future? How do you think computers will change?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a minibook about all the different aspects of computers and their use.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Computers – typography

This week's journal prompts for writers and scrapbookers are about computers.

Today – experiment – take a poem and display or print it out in different fonts, sizes and colours if you can. Download some new fonts. Does using different fonts make a difference to how you read? To how you write? Take a piece of your own writing and play with the font/print settings.

Does it inspire you in different ways?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO heavily focused on typography
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Friday, August 29, 2008

Computers – peripherals

This week's writing and journalling prompts are about computers of all kinds.

Today - write about the peripherals you have – do you like your keyboard? Is your screen big enough? What peripherals would you like to have?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO entitled “Through the screen”.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Computers - wordprocessing

This week's prompts for writing and journaling are about computers.

Do you prefer to write on the computer, using a word processor – or do you prefer to write with pen and paper? Compare and contrast…

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Use your journalling in your word processor and create a neat piece of text with various fonts that you can use as a journalling spot in a layout. Alternatively, create a beautifully handwritten piece and use it in a layout!

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Computers – my first computer

This week we’re writing in our journals and scrapbooks about computers.

Describe your first encounter with computers? When was it? Was it a success?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about your computer.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Computers – software

This week's writing and journalling prompts are about computers.

First – what software do you find essential on your computer? Or do you hate to use one at all?


~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about your favourite software.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Monday, August 25, 2008

Groups - events

This week's writing and journalling prompts are about groups.

Have you been in any large groups at organized events?

Write about the experience of being in a large group.

How did you get to know the others in your group?

Did the group come together well or were there frictions?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about an event when you or a family member were part of a large group.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Groups – heritage

This week's writing topic and journal prompts are about groups.

Over the years you have probably been in groups at various celebration events, weddings, family occasions.

Pick one that stands out in your memory and write as much as possible about the event.

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a heritage LO about a wedding or other special occasion, focusing on the group rather than just the bride and groom.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Groups – uniformed groups

This week's journal prompts for writers and scrapbookers are about groups.

Have you or a child of yours ever been a member of a uniformed organisation such as a marching band, the scouts or brownies? Write about the organisation and what it meant to you or them.

What kind of events took place during membership?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about a uniformed group.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Friday, August 22, 2008

Groups – pop groups

This week's writing and journalling prompts are about groups of all kinds.

Today – pop groups – or your favourite music group anyway. Have you ever met them?

Describe the encounter. If you haven’t met them write about what the encounter would be like.

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about a favourite music or pop group.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Groups of objects

This week's prompts for writing and journaling are about groups.

Today the prompt is to write about a group of objects.

Pick a group of objects that mean something to you. Objects that are part of your daily life, or perhaps part of a treasured collection. Or even objects you can’t get away from.

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~
Create a LO about a collection of objects.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Groups – family groups

This week we’re writing in our journals and scrapbooks about groups.

Write about your family group.

How big is it? Does it include just your nuclear family or are there lots of relatives in an extended family?

How do you come together and when? Who do you like to see at family get-togethers?

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about the people in your family group.
~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Groups – party groups

This week's writing and journalling prompts are about groups.

Write about a group you were in when you had a lot of fun, at a party or festival.

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a LO about a party.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Monday, August 18, 2008

Travel - sounds

The Irish musicians in Dublin...

What kind of sounds characterised your holiday?

It might be the sounds of birds, or waves, or instruments, music, or people's accents.
What was different about the SOUND?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Travel - a sense of place

No picture to prompt you today. Start by closing your eyes for a moment and remembering the place you are writing about. Where are you standing? What can you see?

Now write - describe the place in detail using all your senses.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Travel - food

In what way was the food on your holiday or journey differrnt from what you usually have?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Travel - landscape

This was the entrance to a cave on a beach in North Cornwall. So enticing and exciting!

  • How did the landscape strike you in your holiday location?
  • Was it different from what you usually see?
  • Did you like it?
  • Would you like to live there all the time?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Travel - heritage

This week the writing prompts and journalling ideas are - appropriately enough for the summer holiday season - about travel. Write about a particular journey all week if you can. As a scrapbooker this should get you nicely advanced on your holiday album.

Here's my son on Brighton Pier. It was a very traditional kind of English seaside experience - must have been very similar to the seaside trips of people for generations - except for the prices!

How does your holiday compare with previous holidays and vacations? Ones that you have taken, and ones that earlier visitors to the same place may have experienced.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Travel - history

This week the writing prompts and journalling ideas are - appropriately enough for the summer holiday season - about travel. Write about a particular journey all week if you can. As a scrapbooker this should get you nicely advanced on your holiday album.

When we visited Fishbourne Roman Villa, we saw this Roman skeleton, thousands of years' old.

  • How much do you know about the history of the place you visited?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This week the writing prompts and journalling ideas are - appropriately enough for the summer holiday season - about travel. Write about a particular journey all week if you can. As a scrapbooker this should get you nicely advanced on your holiday album.

  • How did you travel?
  • Was there anything unusual about the way you travelled?
  • Did you go on any day trips?
  • Did anything go wrong?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Teenagers - milestone birthdays

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout about a milestone birthday.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Teenagers - Gadgets

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout on “Gadgets”

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Teenagers - Prom

Friday, August 8, 2008

Teenagers - day in the life

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout on “A life in a day…” How does a typical day typify a teen’s lifestyle – or your own?

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Teenagers - Secrets

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout on “What ARE you wearing?”

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Teenagers - What to wear

This week’s writing prompts are about teens. If you haven’t had teen children then apply the prompts to teen relatives or friends, or your own teenage years. Or write about all teens or teenagerhood as a concept.

Teenagers seem to belong to tribes which dictate what their personal style is – emo or goth or whatever… Much of it seems to be black, whatever their style!

And when they’re not wearing strange combinations of layers, none of which are actually appropriate to the weather, they’re in fancy dress. There is a university city I drive through regularly and there doesn’t seem to be a time (except in the holidays!) when there aren’t groups of students in fancy dress walking into town…

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout on “What ARE you wearing?”

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Teenagers - attitude

~~~ Scrapbooker’s journalling challenge ~~~

Create a layout with a bad picture – where someone has turned away or put their hands in front of their face or similar.

Add a humorous title.

~~~ Scrapper’s journaling challenge ~~~

Monday, August 4, 2008

Simple prompts - sound

Simple prompts for a lazy time of year (northern hemisphere anyway!)

Is there a sound which you associate with a particular memory? For me it's the sound of the ropes on sailing dinghies and yachts flapping against the masts - not a sound I hear often except when visiting a harbour or sailing beach - which is very rare in my life - but it reminds me of the seemingly endless summers we spent in North Wales on holiday when I was a child. It was a big sailing area, and the breezes set the ropes flapping onthe masts and that sound takes me back to my childhood like no other...

Write about a particularly significant sound.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Simple prompts - left out

This week's blog prompt and journalling topics for your creative writing and scrapbooking are very simple, though no less powerful for that!

Think about the last time you felt left out. Happens to us all one time or another. Someone went somewhere without you - forgot your birthday, or similar.

For me it was my 25th wedding anniversary when I started to organise a wonderful party months in advance and everyone said they couldn't come (months in advance?????). So I cancelled the party and when the time came no-one even sent a card despite the fact they must have known it was coming up.

I'm still gutted and I'm still smarting.... better not write any more!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Simple prompts - change

This week's blog prompt themes and journal topics for your creative writing and scrapbooking are very simple, as it's holiday time here.

Today's theme is "change":

The thing I'd most like to see change is...
How I cope with change is...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Simple prompts - creativity

This week's writing ideas and blog prompts are very simple.

Today's theme is "Creativity"


Creativity is...
My creativity...
What my creativity means to me is....